Sometimes during a puppy’s or dog’s board-and-train, besides the basics I teach them as discussed with the owner, I find little tricks to add to their repertoire that makes for a smile. This little behavior of sneezing I captured when Luna the Havanese trained and boarded for housetraining with Love Wags A Tail board and train dog and puppy training. ———- To send your dog or puppy to the Love Wags A Tail board-and-train camp for motivational learning with our {Read More}
How Dogs Learn From Dogs
Puppies and dogs can and do learn from watching other animal cohorts, especially if they’re motivated and/or curious and the learning gets them something they want or like. In this video, a board-and-train puppy watched my Border Collie drink from the bird bath. Even though I have a bucket of fresh water outside for dogs daily, my BC chooses the bird bath for her source of outdoors hydration day-in and day-out. So when she showed my little board-and-train how to {Read More}
Dog Treat Surprise When Paper Towels Are Scarce
When there was a lack of paper towels on the grocery shelves, I used and re-used the ones I had and got creative on options when I could. The option of using bread for depressing the drippings from my hamburgers and sharing the outcome with my dogs has become a very popular shift in the Love Wags A Tail household. So much so that my dogs have convinced me to keep on doing what I’ve been doing…to save paper, of {Read More}
Monk, UFOs, Pet Dogs and Training
I am a big fan of the show Monk. Though they have long ago stopped making new episodes, I watch episodes from the eight recorded seasons regularly. I also think that in this hand washing, germ killing environment, the character Monk would come out ahead. Monk was called a germophobe, always using wipes after shaking someone’s hands, but isn’t that the thing to do these days to stay safe? Yes! Avoiding the hand shake is even better. In this Covid-19 {Read More}
Family Lockdown Boogie with Maisey the Family Dog
Here’s a bit of fun from the Buchanan family of four who are in Covid-19 lock-down like the rest of us. They make their home with their dog, Maisey, in Wellington, New Zealand, and give the world a bit of entertainment and levity during these trying times with a creative song and dance number. They’ve also been interviewed by RNZ, which is a New Zealand public broadcast service, and it’s quite fun to hear them talk about the experience of {Read More}