Funny Bones on St Patty’s Day

As much as it’s painful to lose a beloved dog, as we truly have a short time with them, during that shared time, there is so much room for laughter. Through training times and through day-to-day life. That’s one thing about dog parenting I appreciate, a dog with a sense of humor. I’ve had more dogs with senses of humor than not; and though I loved them all, the ones with humor dug a deeper wedge in my heart. Even {Read More}

What Breaks Your Heart?

  Pippin Verte Schwarzmann March 3, 2002 to February 24, 2014 Leissl Verte Schwarzmann April 27, 2001 to August 16, 2013 Bouchard Verte Schwarzmann January 10, 2003 – June 17, 2013 Oliver Verte Schwarzmann December 1, 2001 – July 16, 2012 Baby Verte Schwarzmann April 28, 1997 – June 1, 2010   Ginger Verte Schwarzmann March 3, 1999 – November 9, 2009 Regis Verte Schwarzmann Deceber 15, 1996 – January 4, 2009 By Helen Verte Certified Pet Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed, {Read More}

The Privilege of Meeting Our Own Maturity

St. Patty’s day is just a few days away, and today, I ran across some excellent Irish wisdom, so I thought I’d share. This one brings tears out of one of my eyes, and a gleam of gratitude out of the other. We all age, and mostly it seems to happen at an insignificant rate. Until one day. One day, we look in the mirror and wonder how maturity settled in so fast. It’s a shock. I was speaking to {Read More}

Buy Yummy Chummies At Costco

Yummy Chummies are one of the highest value training treats I use.  Dogs love them!  The good news is that they are now available in Costco nationwide. We don’t know how long.  Products at Costco are fleeting.  But if you want to help show your appreciation for having Yummy Chummies local and at a great price, now’s the time to buy! And there’s a coupon!   By Helen Verte Certified Pet Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed, Certified Trick Dog Instructor Cookie Trainer, {Read More}

Lifespans of Dogs Compared to Humans

Here’s an interesting chart that compares dogs in years of age to humans. Though if you want to reverse this to find out how old you are in dogs’ years, I’m not sure if this chart is applicable. We think our lifetimes are short. Imagine living the short life of a beloved dog. By Helen Verte Certified Pet Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed, Certified Trick Dog Instructor Dog Trainer and Guradian of Her Own Beloved Dogs