Happy holidays from Love Wags a Tail! When puppies and dogs come for board-and-train dog training boot camp, they are treated like my own pet pooch. Puppies in training participate in our annual holiday photos, too. They do very well because I train humanely and the dogs in board-and-train at Love Wags A Tail work for food. Good food, like tuna fudge! I had a couple of precious bearded pups here this month. Who doesn’t love a good dog beard? {Read More}
Halloween Doggies
Halloween is fun. Dressing up and decorating is part of the festivities. So is taking photos and movies of our dogs. Some of my board-and-trains revisit me for boarding and boarding-and-updating behaviors. Two very special kids are like my extended family. I’m fortunate to get to see them often. This year, they stayed with me while their owners had an extended time away. They each learned a trick. Hendrix, the Corgi is a little shy and not all that trustworthy {Read More}
Reteaching An Old Dog Trick To A Young Dog
Training a large-breed puppy to do certain tricks is easier when they are indeed a puppy. When they grow larger, the mere manueverability of you in relation to your dog can be tricky. But once a dog has learned how to learn, tricks and new behaviors can be taught at any age. This is my nearly 5 year-old Dobermann who learned how to roll over as a puppy. Admitedly, I seldom ask him to roll over. So when I decided {Read More}
Five Reasons To Feed Your Dog On A Schedule
Why should dogs be fed on a daily schedule rather than free fed? 1. If you’re housetraining a dog or puppy, putting the pooch on a routine feeding schedule will help regulate the when and where of the output. 2. Leaving food out all day makes for stale food, but keeping food in a sealed container or bag prior to feeding your dog keeps the food fresh and tasty. 3. Food left out all day will attract ants, flies, and {Read More}
Board and Training Makes Puppies Swoon
We have a lot of fun while learning during board-and-train puppy training at Love Wags A Tail. This Golden Retriever puppy is concentrating so hard that he swoons and falls off his paws. ———— To send your dog or puppy to the Love Wags A Tail board-and-train camp for motivational learning with our cast of characters, contact me with your dog training, behavior modification wish list to get started. ———- Helen Verte Schwarzmann Contact me Certified in Training and Counseling {Read More}