Coral Springs Board-and-Train Dog Jake Exercising

Jake is a Coral Springs Florida board-and-train student who enrolled in a Love Wags A Tail board-and-train program in the summer of his puppyhood. He returns to train and board from Coral Springs, FL, as a brush-up boot camp when his family goes on vacation. We love it when Jake, the German Dutch Shepherd boy visits.

My own dogs love to run and play with Jake. Here is a sample of the good workout Jake got during his recent visit. This dog from Coral Springs got dog training and boarding in between formal training sessions, informal training in-house, chilling out period, and behavior modification. He’s a really bright bulb and a fast runner!

If you have a puppy or dog who needs training, contact me. I work with puppies and dogs through board-and-train packages that suit them individually. Dogs like Jake from Coral Springs and other parts of South Florida get the attention, love, and humane training they deserve!

Helen Verte Schwarzmann
Contact me
Certified in Training and Counseling
Certified Pet Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed
Certified Trick Dog Instructor
AKC STAR Puppy, CGC, and Trick Dog Trainer and Evaluator
Your Coral Springs Florida Board-and-Train Dog Trainer and Puppy Training